Apr 1, 2010

program feature

I implement all required features, including an interactive 2dtree viewer, an interactive viewer to display all phases of the algorithm, from the original data points to the final signed distance field.

Marching cubes is implemented separately. I did not use the code provided on your links, I implement it myself. I also implement a viewer to display the geometry generated by marching and that one is also fully interactive. I did not come up with GUI system, however, my programs are very easy to use and intuitive, using keyboard to interact and mouse to navigate.

The program runs very fast for the mechpart dataset, finished within only seconds. I use a trick that, in the Euclidean graph, if two nodes are not close enough, there is not need to generate a connection for them since the corresponding edge will not be in the MST anyway. This is Jon's observation but I do contribute by discussing with him. The program runs about 20s without the trick and less than 1 second with it.

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